Hands-On 1 to 1 Training.
Learn Digital Dentistry with the Best CAD/CAM systems in the world.Each module consists of a Personalized Full day Training with one of our CAD/CAM Specialists.
1. Get into Digital Dentistry Today
Ideal for getting to know all Scanners, Mills, Softwares and 3D Printers in the market.
Scan, Design, Mill and learn how to Stain and Glaze your first crowns/restorations.
1 FULL DAY - 8 Credits - US$2950
2. CEREC® OnBoarding
Intro to CEREC® - Scanning, Design, Milling, Materials, Stain & Glaze.
1 FULL DAY - 8 Credits - US$2950.00
3. Dental 3D Printing
Implement 3D Printing in your practice - Software integration, 3D Print Models, Splints, Surgical Guides, Digital Waxups.
1 FULL DAY - 8 Credits - US$2950
4. In-Office Invisible Aligners Manufacturing
Manufacture in-office Same Day Invisible Aligners for $60/Case (typical 24 aligner)
From Scanning to 3D Planning Softwares, Planning Services - 3D Printers - 3D Printing Disposition and Techniques - Thermoforming - Packaging, Labeling, Complete Business Model to Develop your own Invisible Aligners Brand Company.
1 FULL DAY - 8 Credits - US$2950.00